CJ C’mon, People, Now — Smile On Your Brother

Posted on Friday, March 10th, by CJ

So, have you been having fun reading these here missives from the Boyspoke staff? Wonder what it would be like to kick back in the Boyspoke lounge with us cool kids, drink some beer (or Jack or Stoli or whatever your drink of choice is) that's being served to you by gorgeous women, while playing pool or poker? Can you write? Are you a dude? Do you have stuff on your mind regarding the female of the species that you'd like to spew to the masses? Do you have a basic command of the English language? (Sorry, I know we're huge in Belgium, but it would just cramp our style if we had to translate everything from Flemish.)

Well, consider this your lucky day then! Boyspoke is looking for, well, Boyspokesmen. Join our ranks. Act now, and get a keen sticker you can put on your Trapper Keeper, proclaiming to the masses that you too are a beer-swilling, making-out-with-women, porn-watching Boyspokesman. I'm told the chicks dig it.

Either click here or send me a writing sample for consideration. Hurry, this offer won't last long.

One Response to “C’mon, People, Now — Smile On Your Brother”

  1. Alex Says:

    Dude - the person checking from Belgium is actually a Canuck who is sometimes bored at work and doesn’t speak a lick of Flemmish except for a few dirty words - although, if you want to give french a try, I wouldn’t object. I might laugh, but I wouldn’t object.

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