So whatcha want?
Posted on Tuesday, March 21st, by CJ
Listen up, ladies. The time has come for you to decide: Is chivalry alive and well, or do you want a level playing field?
You want equal pay, equal rights in the workplace and equal benefits. I've got no problem with that. But when you then turn around and demand we pay for the first several dates, as well as expensive presents for you (*cough*jewelry*cough*), the double-standard comes into play. You want men and women to be equal, but then you want us to be "the man"?
You want us to make the plans — again, to be "the man" — and be commanding and authoritative, but then you complain if we don't make plans that you're amenable with. And you'll pout if we happen to take you to a club or restaurant where you might not want to go… hey, we've got places we like to go too. And if relationships are supposed to be compromise, doesn't that mean you have to suck it up and do stuff we like too if we have to do the same for you?
You want us to be manly and be all gruff and sports-loving, then you complain when we don't want to sit down and watch Pride and Prejudice or Steel Magnolias with you? You appreciate us being all testosterone-filled, but then get upset when we want to spend Sundays with the guys, drinking beer and watching football?
Men are pretty straightforward. What you see is what you get, and there's really no middle ground with us. We can be pretty flexible — and you know that we'll do pretty much anything to get laid or please our women — so it's not like we've got some sinister hidden agenda. But with that comes the other edge of the sword… meaning that we're not so cool with giving up some of the stuff that makes us who we are. Well, at least not without some sacrifice on your part too. If relationships are give-and-take, it can't be us giving and you taking. This kind of stuff is either-or… you can't have your cake and eat it too. Not that you eat cake all that often anyways.
March 21st, at 1:17 pm
I’m all about splitting the bill. Even on the first date. It shouldn’t matter so much. My thought is, you never should go out on a date expecting a free meal. I hate it that some girls do, but know we’re not all like that.
March 21st, at 2:35 pm
CJ, you must be one of those cunt magnet guys. Or you’re kidding?
March 21st, at 10:12 pm
I am unfamiliar with this term, “cunt magnet.” Please expound.
March 22nd, at 11:01 am
you attract the cunty type girls. beeyatches. Ones who are selfish, try to manipulate you and get you to pay for things. buy them baubles and does’nt seem like there’s a majority of them out there, but they all must be attracted to you.
March 22nd, at 1:20 pm
Well, yes, I do, but also realize that these rantings are not 100% based on my own experiences. I am a Boyspokesman… I speak for Boys everywhere. Some of these writings are based on experiences that I have observed happening to others.
March 24th, at 11:34 am
But then again, we wax, pluck, shave, moisturize, pumice, work out, spend a lot of money on lingerie, not to mention clothes, pedicures, manicures, haircuts, and beauty products and thats just for a women who’s not a stripper. Financially, it all adds up and we are doing it all for you. The least you can do is take us out to dinner!