CJ Fonzie Be With You

Posted on Tuesday, April 18th, by CJ

I've thought long and hard about le click and its impact upon my dating life. And I've taken into account advice from my best friend, a slew of other friends and random strangers. But I've come to the conclusion that, well, I need to follow my gut.

Yes, I know that whole thing from the movie version of High Fidelity where John Cusack talks about listening to his gut and says, "Well, I've been listening to my gut since I was 14 years old, and frankly speaking, I've come to the conclusion that my guts have shit for brains." But honestly? My gut's all I got. My brain is of absolutely no use to me because I overanalyze everything to the point where it makes me insane or neurotic or both.

I'm going to break things off with the chick without le click. And I'm going to continue going on first dates, and if there's no click, then there's no second date. I know, almost everyone in the world will tell me that I'm being way too picky, but I have a particularly outgoing kind of personality, and I need to have someone who I feel that indescribable je ne sais quoi with. And I'm the kind of person who feels it almost immediately. Or at least within the first half-hour or so.

So the quest continues. We'll see where it leads. In the meantime, I'm heading back into the wilds and hacking through the jungle with my, um, machete. Yowza. The innuendoes are just killing me.

The only question now is — how do I end things with Chick Without Click?

5 Responses to “Fonzie Be With You”

  1. Ritaliana Says:

    Ummm… you can tell her the truth. Which is that you just don’t feel le click, or in words she’ll understand… you don’t feel a connection, compatibility, congruity, attraction (you might want to think about this one, cause there is physical attraction, as there is intellectual attraction), and if you think she is attractive physically per se… it’s a good idea to let her know, only if it’s true though, and if you care; (helps build self-esteem). Continuing… allure, chemistry, drawing power, magnetism, enchantment, hypnotic attraction, odylic force… well, you get my message.
    The thing is that you must let le click come to you, do not seek le click, it’s like watching a pot of water boil. What I am saying here is, you might be psychosomatically killing le click if looking for it forcibily. Capisci? ;o)

  2. Blu Says:

    I agree with you, no funny butterfly feeling in my stomach, no second date…

    Lucky for you (at least in my experience) this not-click thing is mutual most of the time, so as a girl at the other end of the situation, there’s nothing much you can say, it’s almost painfully obvious…

    At last, a piece of advice mexican mothers have been handing out since the begining of time: Siempre hay un roto para un descocido (There’s always a broken to an unsewed one).


  3. Sweet Says:

    Whoa, at first read I thought you had said ‘Chick Without Clit.’ That would have been a whole different story! Time to update the glasses I think.

  4. PrttyGrnPrincess Says:

    I love your posts and all, I really do, but do any of your other writes contribute anymore? It seems like you’re partners in crime are leaving you all out there by your lonesome.

  5. Just Me Says:

    Awww give her a second date - maybe she was having a bad day the first time around ;)

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