CJ Do The Numbers Add Up?

Posted on Friday, June 23rd, by CJ

Pardon me while I go all intellectual on you for a second here.

So, I read an article by Gail Sheehy, author of Sex and the Seasoned Woman, called "Why Marriage Is Good Medicine for Men." In it, she claims that marriage has actual physical benefits for men, including decreased stress, decreased chance of cancer, faster healing and lower blood pressure.

Here's the problem. The latest census says that approximately 43% of marriages end in divorce, and adultery expert Dr. Bonnie Eaker Well claims that 80% of people in marriage are unfaithful. With those kinds of numbers, what's the point of even trying to reap these health benefits if the possibility exists that things will end badly?

It seems like, more and more, the institution of marriage and monogamous relationships is coming to an end. While those who actually can make things work get the bonus of these supposed added health benefits, the problem is that at least half of them end in cheating, divorce, distrust and stress. Marriage may ease stress, but a distrustful marriage increases stress, and stress increases the chance of heart attacks and other health issues. In short, a bad marriage can actually be harmful to your health.

Sheehy says that a healthy sex life also helps, because the brain releases a chemical just before orgasm called oxytocin that has beneficial effects on the body. Well, it seems in this day and age, a guy can have a healthy sex life without a monogamous relationship or marriage.

So basically, it seems like a win-win situation for certain guys. Sex gets you added health benefits, marriage gets you added health benefits, sex in a marriage gets you a lot of added health benefits. Me? I've got none of the above. So who knows how much longer I'll last?

One Response to “Do The Numbers Add Up?”

  1. always write Says:

    “In short, a bad marriage can actually be harmful to your health.”

    …and in long, it might fucking kill you!

    Still, with the right person, it looks a little less like a life sentence and a little more like a lifelong party.

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