Archive for the 'unfunny' Category

CJ Do The Numbers Add Up?

Posted on Friday, June 23rd, by CJ

Pardon me while I go all intellectual on you for a second here.
So, I read an article by Gail Sheehy, author of Sex and the Seasoned Woman, called “Why Marriage Is Good Medicine for Men.” In it, she claims that marriage has actual physical benefits for men, including decreased stress, decreased chance of cancer, […]

CJ Fonzie Be With You

Posted on Tuesday, April 18th, by CJ

I’ve thought long and hard about le click and its impact upon my dating life. And I’ve taken into account advice from my best friend, a slew of other friends and random strangers. But I’ve come to the conclusion that, well, I need to follow my gut.
Yes, I know that whole […]

CJ Le Click, C’est Chic

Posted on Wednesday, April 5th, by CJ

Okay, so guess what? I’ve actually been dating recently. Maybe that’s one reason why I was late with this post. And yes, real women, not just, you know, imaginary dates or hookers. I’m sorry — they prefer the term “escorts.”
Anyways, I’m a little conflicted at the moment. And for once, […]

CJ Better Safe Than… Oh, Hell, I’m Never Safe

Posted on Tuesday, March 14th, by CJ

So I keep a spare e-mail address. Actually, more than one. The function of these spare e-mail addresses is to keep me safe from the insane masses out there — because believe you me (and my friends who have heard my multiple Dates From Hell stories), there are some crazies out there, and […]