Archive for the 'boobs' Category

CJ Fool Me Twice…

Posted on Tuesday, May 30th, by CJ

You know that picture of the aftermath of a couple having sex on a dusty car hood? Snopes says it may not be real! Gasp! Insert shock and awe! My world is crumbling as I write this.
My entire perspective on things having been thrown into disarray, I began wondering […]

CJ Dress For Sexcess

Posted on Friday, May 19th, by CJ

A good friend of mine (who happens to be female) and I were discussing clothes, for some God-knows-why reason. I know absolutely nothing about fashion. But I happened to mention that I had seen a woman in a wife-beater and camouflage pants earlier in the day, and that kind of turned me on […]

CJ They Said There’d Be No Math Involved

Posted on Tuesday, May 16th, by CJ

Some random search engine request — “math equation explain what women do” — led some poor schmuck to this site. And honestly? If there was a math equation to explain why women do what they do, it’d take someone more brilliant than Einstein, Newton and Stephen Hawking combined to hash that math out. […]

CJ The Two Sides of the Equation

Posted on Friday, May 5th, by CJ

It’s been well-documented. There are two kinds of guys out there: Boob men and ass men. I am of the first round — I am most definitely a boob man.
The thing is, Los Angeles is the best place in the world for a boob man like me. This place […]
